This webinar is for instructors who are looking for ways to keep their courses on track while teaching online. We will take a look at several resources that you already have access to while using National Geographic Learning's English in Action series and share some ideas on how to keep your course dynamic and interactive while teaching in a new way.
Caroline McKinnon has been a teacher and teacher training for over 20 years. She has worked in over 15 countries with communities of refugees, Immigrants, and private language students. As a writer and a teacher, Caroline loves to incorporate experiential learning into her lessons, no matter where they are delivered. Caroline is a great believer in accessible education and believes that whether a class is delivered online or in person, it is the quality of materials and approach that make the student experience the best. Caroline is the Director of Courses for Rennert TESOL in NYC, and founder of FeLT NYC, a non-profit offering education to immigrant and refugee women.