Efficacy Study Engagement, Effectiveness, and Ease of Use
Bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to life
A Part of Cengage
SEG Measurement conducted a study of the efficacy of National Geographic Learning’s Our World Second Edition, an Engl...
The overarching question addressed by the study is “Is the National Geographic Learning Our World program effective?”...
How likely are teachers and administrators to use Our World in the future and how likely are they to recommend the pr...
Is Our World effective in developing student English (L2) language skills?
How effective are specific Our World materials, tools, and activities in developing student English language skills?
Are students engaged in the lessons and activities? (student engagement)
About the study
SEG Measurement conducted a study of the efficacy of National Geographic Learning’s Our World Second Edition, an Engl...
The overarching question addressed by the study is “Is the National Geographic Learning Our World program effective?”...
How likely are teachers and administrators to use Our World in the future and how likely are they to recommend the pr...
A sample of teachers, administrators, parents, and students were interviewed for this study. All interviewees had exp...
of teachers viewed Our World Second Edition as very effective
of parents viewed Our World Second Edition as very effective
of teachers strongly agreed that their students improved their English language skills
Is Our World effective in developing student English (L2) language skills?
How effective are specific Our World materials, tools, and activities in developing student English language skills?
Are students engaged in the lessons and activities? (student engagement)