Vinicunca, or Rainbow Mountain, in the Cusco Region of Peru. ©sorincolac/Getty Images

At National Geographic Learning, our goal is to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life. With our English language programs, students learn about their world by experiencing it. Through our partnerships with National Geographic and TED, they develop the language and skills they need to be successful global citizens and leaders.

Bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life with the Spark platform — where you can prepare, teach, and assess your classes all in one place.

Want to learn more?

Visit us at Booth #141 for an in-person Spark demo.

Thursday - Saturday, March 21 to 23


The following in-person sessions will be presented during TESOL 2024.

See Program Sessions tab for more details.

Thursday, March 21

10:00 AM–10:45 AM

Harnessing the Power of Project-Based-Learning for Global Change
with Andrés Ruzo
Room: Grand Ballroom E, Tampa Marriot Water St. Hotel

11:30 AM–12:15 PM

Pathways for Academic Comptence and Future Success
with John Hughes
Room: 302/303

1:00 PM–1:45 PM

Success in Life Online - Digital Literacy for Adult Learners
with Claudi Mimó and Joy MacFarland
Room: 403/404

4:30 PM–5:15 PM

Write on Track: Engaging, Encouraging, and Empowering Adolescent Multilingual Writers
with Catherine Wheeler-Baco and Emily O'Brien
Room: 302/303

Friday, March 22

9:00 AM–9:45 AM

Supporting Newcomers: from Surviving to Thriving in Academics
with Catherine Wheeler-Baco and Joy MacFarland
Room: 412/413








Featuring the authors and experts of National Geographic Learning.

All listed times are U.S. Eastern Time

Thursday, March 21

10:00 AM–10:45 AM
Harnessing the Power of Project-Based-Learning for Global Change
Andrés Ruzo

NatGeo Explorer Andrés Ruzo has spent his life seeking solutions to global environmental, energy, and social problems. Now he's more convinced than ever that schools, students, and project-based-learning represents our single biggest growth opportunity to foster global changes. Come see how acting local, and connecting global, can change the world.

Rob Jenkins

Andrés Ruzo

Andrés Ruzo is a geothermal scientist, conservationist, educator, and communicator, working to connect people with nature. He is best known for his work on Peru’s Boiling River of the Amazon, where in 2011 he became the first geoscientist to receive the shamanic blessing to study this sacred Amazonian site.

11:30 AM–12:15 PM
Pathways for Academic Competence and Future Success
John Hughes

As educators, we strive to develop students’ English alongside their academic skills to equip them for future success. Using samples from Pathways, Third Edition, co-author John Hughes will demonstrate how key academic competencies like collaboration, communication, and critical thinking support students both academically and into their future lives.

Rob Jenkins

John Hughes

John Hughes is an award-winning ELT author with thirty years’ experience of teaching and teacher training. He has worked with learners and teachers from all over the world and is a well-known conference presenter. For National Geographic Learning, he is an author on the course series Life, World English, Third Edition, World Link, Fourth Edition, Success with Business, and Total Business. He’s also the author of the methodology title, Critical Thinking in ELT.

1:00 PM–1:45 PM
Success in Life Online - Digital Literacy for Adult Learners
Claudi Mimó and Joy MacFarland

Digital literacy skills are crucial to adult learners’ daily lives and to achieving academic and professional success. This session will focus on activities for adult ESL students to develop essential digital literacy skills: privacy and security, managing your digital footprint, online etiquette, tips for online or hybrid classes, and more.

4:30 PM–5:15 PM
Write on Track: Engaging, Encouraging, and Empowering Adolescent Multilingual Writers
Catherine Wheeler-Baco and Emily O’Brien

How do we get multilingual learners writing? Are you looking for ways to engage students in creating meaningful written responses? Attendees will learn about encouraging adolescent learners to approach writing topics, brainstorming ideas, tackling the writing process, sharing meaningful peer feedback, and publishing work of which they can be proud.

Friday, March 22

9:00 AM–9:45 AM
Supporting Newcomers: from Surviving to Thriving in Academics
Catherine Wheeler-Baco and Joy MacFarland

How can we prepare newcomer teenagers as quickly as possible? National Geographic Learning’s answer: effective language and literacy skills, as well as content-specific vocabulary. Come experience materials designed to prepare newcomer teenagers with the academic and linguistic skills they need to survive and thrive inside and outside of the classroom to make lifetime goals and plan for their futures.



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