One young woman stands out when the lights are dimmed on a crowded Hong Kong train. ©Brian Yen

National Geographic Learning’s mission is to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life. With our English language programs, students learn about their world by experiencing it. Through our partnerships with National Geographic and TED, they develop the language and skills they need to be successful global citizens and leaders.

Bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life with the Spark platform - where you can prepare, teach and assess your classes all in one place.

Want to learn more? Join us for an in-person Spark demo.
Wednesday, March 22 at 2:00pm
Thursday, March 23 at 11:00am
New Product Showcase | Exhibit Hall


The following in-person sessions will be presented during TESOL 2023.

Wednesday, March 22

10:00 AM–10:45 AM
Room: Portland Ballroom 252

Think, Speak, and Reflect on Topics Shaping Today's World
Andrew O'Shea and Laura Le Drean

11:30 AM–12:15 PM
Room: Portland Ballroom 252

Social and Emotional Learning as the Road Map to Global Competence
Fernanda de Oliveira and Mary Whittemore

3:30 PM–4:15 PM
Room: Portland Ballroom 252

Empowering Adult Learners to Stand Out in the Workforce
Rob Jenkins

Thursday, March 23

9:00 AM–9:45 AM
Room: Portland Ballroom 252

Communicate your Big Ideas Clearly and Creatively
Tracy Bailie

1:30 PM–2:15 PM
Room: Portland Ballroom 252

The Transformative Value of UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goals
Sherrise Roehr and Luciana Wilson

3:00 PM–3:45 PM
Room: Portland Ballroom 252

Lifting Students to Successful Outcomes
Catherine Wheeler-Baco and Luciana Wilson








Featuring the authors and experts of National Geographic Learning.

All listed times are U.S. Pacific Time

Wednesday, March 22

10:00 AM–10:45 AM
Think, Speak, and Reflect on Topics Shaping Today's World
Andrew O'Shea and Laura Le Drean

Navigating change is an essential skill for students as they join an evolving global community. Students need the space to think, speak, and reflect on the topics shaping today’s world like climate change, well-being, and innovation. Experience how Reflect introduces relevant topics and language needed to communicate confidently in English.

11:30 AM–12:15 PM
Social and Emotional Learning as the Road Map to Global Competence
Fernanda de Oliveira and Mary Whittemore

Explore how Social Emotional Learning (SEL) connects deeply to English language and helps students and educators navigate change and develop global competence. Through activities and actual classroom examples, participants will understand how including SEL skills development can improve learning outcomes.

3:30 PM–4:15 PM
Empowering Adult Learners to Stand Out in the Workforce
Rob Jenkins

Shifts in adult education facilitated by WIOA and CCRS now place stronger emphasis on workforce readiness and career development. This session will demonstrate how we can help students learn to evaluate their current skills and personal drive to reach for success to make lifetime goals and plan for their futures.

Rob Jenkins

Rob Jenkins

Rob Jenkins is a popular presenter and author of English as a Second Language topics. He is a retired faculty member from Santa Ana College School of Continuing Education where he taught ESL for 27 years and served as faculty development coordinator for 20. He was honored with several faculty awards from his college and the Best Practice of Model Program Award in 2013 from the Association of Community and Continuing Education. Rob and Staci Johnson received the 2013 Heinle Outstanding Achievement Award from National Geographic Learning for their textbook series, Stand Out.

Thursday, March 23

9:00 AM–9:45 AM
Communicate your Big Ideas Clearly and Creatively
Tracy Bailie

Effective communication requires many skills: students need to collaborate, organize their thoughts, challenge ideas, and make decisions. Explore how the new edition of 21st Century Communication uses big ideas from TED and National Geographic Explorers to help students prepare, plan, and present their ideas clearly and creatively.

1:30 PM–2:15 PM
The Transformative Value of UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goals
Sherrise Roehr and Luciana Wilson

Teachers of English have a fundamental role in preparing students to thrive in diverse and interdependent environments. Leverage the transformative power of UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals to bring your classroom to life and equip students with the skills needed to change the world: clear communication, self-reflection, creativity, problem-solving, and empathy.

3:00 PM–3:45 PM
Lifting Students to Successful Outcomes
Catherine Wheeler-Baco and Luciana Wilson

Help your 6-12th grade multilingual learners maximize language acquisition and meet content standards. Explore how culturally diverse literature, scaffolded language models, robust online platform, and globally inclusive materials can ensure successful outcomes. This session will give teachers best practices for helping students speak, listen, read, and write effectively.



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