National Geographic Learning at IATEFL 2022, Wednesday 18th April

Marek Kiczkowiak

Ten practical activities for teaching pronunciation for the 21st century

Marek Kiczkowiak, Founder of TEFL Equity Advocates & Academy

Time: 12:00 - 12:45, ICC Arc

iCalendar (ICS Invite)

This workshop aims to provide teachers with practical research-based ideas for teaching pronunciation for the 21st century, where English has become the global lingua franca primarily used by ‘non-native speakers’. Participants will walk away with an array of pronunciation strategies and activities they can immediately use in their classes.

Marek Kiczkowiak is the founder of TEFL Equity Advocates & Academy, where he helps English teachers tackle native speakerism, promote equality and teach English for global communication. He currently writes materials for National Geographic Learning, most recently on the new Adult series, Voices.

*Free copy of Voices for all attendees*